Holistic Home Healthcare Services
Experience the difference with Afya-Bora Home Healthcare
Our team is equipped to provide compassionate care to people of all ages and abilities requiring home healthcare services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Edmonton, Calgary and Chilliwack.
Backed by decades of experience in the healthcare industry, our team is equipped to support every client with any need. From providing compassionate support with activities of daily living to seniors or individuals living with disabilities, to providing expert nursing care to individuals suffering from chronic illnesses or requiring end-of-life care, to providing short-term care to individuals recovering from accidents or surgery, our team has your back.
Before any care takes place, we sit down with each client and their family to understand their unique needs, preferences and lifestyles. After this initial session, our team of diverse healthcare professionals develop a personalized care plans that respects the preferences of the client, while ensuring their dignity and quality of life.
YOUR health is OUR priority.